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​His Story


In the summer of 2013 when I moved back to Houston after working in Victoria Texas for five years, I was blessed to have the opportunity to move in with an old friend in the Montrose area. Moving with me was my faithful companion Buddy, a border-collie mix rescue who had been with me since January of 2009. Downsizing from a house with a big yard to a condo meant Buddy would have to have multiple walks a day until he got used to the traffic. Once he gained my confidence I started taking Buddy out on runs while I rode my bicycle. I later learned this had caught the attention of my soon to be wife! Four months after moving back Amanda decided to take in Blanche Devereaux, a Westie mix rescue of her own. In April of 2014 our paths crossed as we were walking our dogs. After a couple random encounters with the dogs I caught myself hoping to see the curly headed blonde again. One morning I asked if she’d like to go out and little did I know three years later we would be wed. In that time I’ve come to discover one of God’s most genuine and kind creations. For the millions of reasons I adore Amanda I thank God for her; yesterday, today and for the rest of my life I’ll be thanking God for my wonderful wife.​


Her Story


In November of 2013, while attending a work event, one of my long term colleagues was inquiring if I knew of anyone who would be interested in adopting a sweet dog that was abandoned near her country home. After much internal debate, prayer and powerful persuasion by a dear friend, I decided to adopt a white Westie mix and named her Blanche Devereaux. Together we started to explore our Montrose neighborhood on foot during our multiple daily walks. During one of these walks, I vividly recall the first time I noticed Matthew and Buddy, flying by together, full of joy and playfulness. I was immediately envious of how carefree and happy both of them were.


Not long after that, during one of my early morning walks, Blanche and I ran into Matthew and Buddy and I soon realized that Matthew had a passion in life that was infectious. Over the next several months, Matthew courted me the “old fashion way” (walks, talks, dinners and music). And we quickly learned that we share the same values in life and enjoy many of the same things (traveling, music, Mexican food, theatre, etc.) That summer, at a Black Joe Lewis concert in Galveston, Matthew asked me to “be his girlfriend?” and we quickly fell madly in love. Throughout our 2+ years of dating, Matthew has shown me a depth of unconditional love and encouragement that I didn’t know existed and I couldn’t imagine my life without him in it. He has the best sense of humor, most giving heart and is selfless in so many ways. God has truly blessed me (and Blanche) and I can’t wait to marry my best friend and continue this journey of faith together, forever.


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